Sonntag, 14. Juni 2009

Anna & Josh visiting

Anna and Josh will get married in five weeks on July 18th. Yesterday they came to visit us and we spent a wonderful evening together. We had an interesting wine tasting to select the wines for the wedding party. Amongst a Ca' del Bosco sparkling and a Franz Keller white burgundy we had some very nice italian wines - the final decision has not been taken yet, but I have a strong guess, what it will be. The weather was simply fantastic - the nicest evening so far this year. No clouds, sunny and warm 'til midnighht. Anna and Josh we are very much looking forward to the next month! It was very nice having you with us.

1 Kommentar:

Brigitte Klein hat gesagt…

Ja, die Schweizer verstehen halt zu leben, da bin ich fast neidisch!
Ca del Bosco gehört auch zu meinen "favourites".
Dann mal viel Spaß bei der Hochzeit.